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博格曼泵用机械密封  Mechanical seals for pumps

EagleBurgmann公司提供各种液体和气体润滑的泵轴密封,包括单密封和多密封的标准和工程密封。我们还为所有API 682类别和安排提供完整的解决方案。

EagleBurgmann offers a complete range of liquid and gaslubricated pump shaft seals including standard and engineered seals in single and multi-seal versions. We also offer a complete range of solutions for all API 682 categories and arrangements.

博格曼搅拌器用机械密封 Mechanical seals for agitators


Sealing solutions for normal and sterile applications. The design and selection of materials ensure that the seals are rugged enough to deliver outstanding cost and engineering performance in everyday applications.

博格曼压缩机用机械密封  Mechanical seals for compressors


A complete range of products for process gas compressors from a single source. Single, double

and tandem versions and tandem seals with intermedia labyrinths. Rugged, non-wearing, non-contact seals designed to deliver outstanding performance and long service life.

伊格尔.博格曼机械密封 产品大纲 Eagle.Burgmann Mechanical seals Product Outline

泵用机械密封 Mechanical seals for pumps
搅拌器密封 Agitator seals
压缩机密封 Compressor seals
磁力密封 Magnetic couplings
联轴器  Couplings
轴承  Bearings
碳浮环密封  Carbon floating ring seals
轴套  Shaft sleeves
密封辅助系统  Seal supply systems 

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